Marius Alexa
Marius Alexa graduated from the “Al. I. Cuza” University in Iaşi (2000) with a Bachelor degree in Finance. Inspired by the Chicago School he published in 2002 his first book “The Monetarism”. He was asociated professor at SNSPA (The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration), teaching entrepreneurship. He is an active entrepreneur and CEO of Arhipelago Inc. a media company with focus in helping entrepeneurs to develop their business ideas. He is the founder Finantare.ro – the financial portal of Romania and Afaceri.ro – a large program of business conferences in Romania and economic missions abroad.
His work has also been focused on community NGO development and civic projects and on developing large networks of Romanian entrepreneurs. In 2010 was named National President of Junior Chamber International Romania. He holds a Ph.D. in Cybernetics from the “Al. I. Cuza” University in Iaşi (2016). He is also co-author of “Events Management” book (2016).