Dominik Vuletić
Dominik Vuletić, Ph.D. is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Law Department. His teaching activities include Commercial Law (undergraduate course), European Market Law (undergraduate course), Competition Law (undergraduate course) and Economic Analysis of European Law (graduate course).
Dominik defended doctoral dissertation titled ‘Economic order of the European Union in the case law of the European Court of Justice’ in 2014 at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (mentor of Ph.D. research: prof.dr.sc. Siniša Rodin, Judge at the Court of the European Union). He is author of several academic papers and participant in a number of international conferences.
Prior to employment at the University of Zagreb Dominik worked in judiciary (Zagreb County Court), private sector (Law Office) and as a Research Assistant in the Institute for International Relations (IMO) Zagreb. He graduated from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law in 2007. During his reading of law he was awarded both Rector’s Award for student paper and Dean’s Award for participation in international moot court competition. Dominik also received education from TEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association) Brussels/University of Cologne and Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis.
His research interests include EU law, Law and Economics, Competition Law, Law of International Trade, Company Law and Legal theory.