Dimitra Zervaki
Dimitra Zervaki, acting as Business/Executive Coach, consults, trains and manages brands so as to find their Vantage Angle. She holds a Bachelors Degree in the Science of Agriculture and a Master in Business Administration (Executive MBA). She is Certified as Project Manager (PMP), as well as a Trainer. She has more than 19 years of professional experience in the organization & strategic development of enterprises and start-ups, in developing and managing Projects/Programmes and new application/products/services, in market research, marketing, branding and self-branding, storytelling and idea pitching (the art of presenting), in the organization and administration of multimedia lab, in developing and managing blogs and websites, in sustainability, and in the organization, educational material development and facilitation of Vocational Education & Adult Training Courses. More information: https://dimitrazervaki.com & Linkedin